To increase customer satisfaction and our competitiveness in the household products sector by improving our product and service quality.
To comply with all legal regulations, customer requirements and other conditions that we are obliged to in environmental matters.
Job health security
To continuously improve our culture by providing Occupational Health and Safety trainings to all our employees and to achieve the sustainable goal of “Zero Work Accident”.
- To increase customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the household products sector by improving our product and service quality.
- To meet the developing expectations and needs of our sector by adding new products to our production range with R&D studies.
- Aiming to achieve the highest performance in our processes by considering the relevant risks and opportunities.
- To make strategic plans that will carry Uyan Madeni Eşya to the future, to adopt a strategic management approach.
- To minimize waste generation, reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal by reducing pollution at the source with sustainable waste management.
- To keep environmental impacts such as climate change, especially energy and water consumption under control, by protecting natural resources and reducing energy consumption.
- To comply with all legal regulations, customer requirements and other conditions that we are responsible for environmental issues.
- To train our employees in a way that will raise awareness of quality and environment, develop team spirit, and increase their participation, and to carry out various activities.
- To continuously improve the Quality and Environmental Management systems, which are the expression of our responsibility towards our customers and society, in line with the developing needs.
- To comply with all legal and other obligations related to Occupational Health and Safety,
- Analyzing and minimizing the health and safety risks that may arise in the working environment,
- To create a healthy and safe working environment thanks to our system aiming at continuous improvement,
- Adopting the principle that Occupational Health and Safety improvement activities are the common responsibility of all employees,
- To continuously improve our culture by providing Occupational Health and Safety trainings to all our employees and to reach the sustainable goal of “Zero Occupational Accident”.